The fifth week of the Vancouver GAA Spring League has wrapped up, here is the weekly result summary. Best of luck to each team as we begin week 6 of the Spring League!
#CanadaGAA #vancouvergaa #GAA #cgaa #vangaaspringleague
Fraser Valley Gaels Gaelic Football ISSC Vancouver GAA Club Vancouver Éire Óg GAA Club Vancouver Le Chéile Van Isle Rovers GAC St Finnian’s Vancouver GAA Cú Chulainn Hurling & Camogie Vancouver JP Ryan’s Hurling and Camogie Vancouver Vancouver Wolfe Tones Hurling Club
@fraservalleygaels @isscvancouvergaa @eireogvancouver @vancouverlecheile @vanisle.gaa @stfinniansvancouver @cuchulainnvan @jpryanshurlingandcamogie @vancouverwolfetones