Junior Camogie โ Player of the Year Nominations
Emma Flynn โ JP Ryanโs
Ellen Atkinson โ Cรบ Chulainn
Saoirse Carey โ Cรบ Chulainn
Winners will be announced on the night โ come along to see who takes home the All Star and celebrate the best of Vancouver GAA!
Saturday, September 21st
Donnellanโs Irish Pub (1082 Granville St)
Doors open at 6pm for Van GAA members, event starts at 7pm.
Hosted by the incredible Ronan Deane as our MC!
Junior Camogie โ Team of the Year Nominees
Note: Team of the Year will be announced on the night.
#VancouverGAA #AllStars #GAAChampionship #awardsnight
@fraservalleygaels @isscvancouvergaa @eireogvancouver @vancouverlecheile
@vanisle.gaa @stfinniansvancouver @cuchulainnvan @jpryanshurlingandcamogie @vancouverwolfetones
@Fraser Valley Gaels Gaelic Football @ISSC Vancouver GAA Club @Vancouver รire รg GAA Club @Vancouver Le Chรฉile
@Van Isle Rovers GAC @St Finnianโs Vancouver GAA @Cรบ Chulainn Hurling & Camogie Vancouver @JP Ryanโs Hurling and Camogie Vancouver @Vancouver Wolfe Tones Hurling Club