The March 31st Transfer Deadline is Fast Approaching. This deadline applies to all LGFA, Camogie and Last Years Sanctioned Players (Including sanctioned players from GAA).
Contact your clubs ASAP to begin the transfer process!
#CanadaGAA #vancouvergaa #GAA #cgaa #vangaaspringleague
Fraser Valley Gaels Gaelic Football ISSC Vancouver GAA Club Vancouver Éire Óg GAA Club Vancouver Le Chéile Van Isle Rovers GAC St Finnian’s Vancouver GAA Cú Chulainn Hurling & Camogie Vancouver JP Ryan’s Hurling and Camogie Vancouver Vancouver Wolfe Tones Hurling Club
@fraservalleygaels @isscvancouvergaa @eireogvancouver @vancouverlecheile @vanisle.gaa @stfinniansvancouver @cuchulainnvan @jpryanshurlingandcamogie @vancouverwolfetones