Lá Fhéile Pádraig!

Lá Fhéile Pádraig!

Lá Fhéile Pádraig!
Vancouver GAA Wishes everyone a very happy Saint Patricks Day! We hope you enjoy the festivities of Irish culture and heritage and of course Gaelic games!

With the start of our spring league and our St.Patricks day tournament, why not join a club if you haven’t already? The March 31st deadline looms for LGFA, Camogie and last year sanctioned players, get in contact with one of our 9 clubs as soon as possible to being the transfer process.

#CanadaGAA #vancouvergaa #GAA #cgaa #LáFhéilePádraig #stpatricksday
Fraser Valley Gaels Gaelic Football ISSC Vancouver GAA Club Vancouver Éire Óg GAA Club Vancouver Le Chéile Van Isle Rovers GAC St Finnian’s Vancouver GAA Cú Chulainn Hurling & Camogie Vancouver JP Ryan’s Hurling and Camogie Vancouver Vancouver Wolfe Tones Hurling Club
@fraservalleygaels @isscvancouvergaa @eireogvancouver @vancouverlecheile @vanisle.gaa @stfinniansvancouver @cuchulainnvan @jpryanshurlingandcamogie @vancouverwolfetones